Welcome to Mt. Carmel Global Methodist Church. We are glad you visited us today. We are a friendly congregation who is deeply in love with God and God's people. We lift up the Bible as the primary authority and source for our joy and mission. Our Vision is to be "a place of NEW beginnings, unified in the character and love for Christ."
Here is what we believe to be true about God from His Word:
We believe in God the Father...
We believe in God the Son...
We believe in God the Holy Spirit....
We believe in the Bible...
We believe in Heaven...
We believe in Christ's return....
If you are looking for a place of new beginnings in your faith you are in the right place. Come and grow with us as we fulfill Christ's Great Commission to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ((Matthew 28:19-20).
Mt. Carmel is a Methodist Church rooted in the principles and teachings that define the Christian faith. Our historical perspective is born from Wesleyan Theology which holds fast to the primary source for our faith is in the Holy Scriptures. We also hold fast to the 2000 years of Christian doctrine which are summarized in the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds. We practice two sacraments – Baptism and Holy Communion – but we believe that all of life is sacred. We are called to be a holy and living sacrifice for Christ in the world.
We Believe in the Triune God. We believe in One God who existed before time and created the heavens and the earth and all there is, and will exist for all eternity. The nature of God is One God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each member of the Trinity serves different functions, yet they each possess equal power and authority. (Matthew 28:19)
We Believe in God’s Word as contained in the Old and New Testament having all truth necessary for salvation. It is divinely inspired by God and written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is living and active truth without any mixture of error and is completely relevant to our daily lives. (2 Timothy 3:16).
We Believe in Salvation through Christ alone. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. (John 14: 6). We come to salvation not by our own works but by grace in what Jesus Christ freely did on the cross to pay the debt of our sin." By confessing with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believing in our hearts that He rose from the dead we will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
We Believe in God’s Grace as One Grace but experienced in three ways and at different times in our lives. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, taught that our entire spiritual lives are an act of God’s grace. Prevenient Grace is the grace of the Father that comes before we even knew Him and softens our hearts to receive God’s grace. Justifying Grace is the grace of the Son who forgives and pardons our sin in order to make things right between us and God. Sanctifying Grace is the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer continuing the process of being made perfect and holy in love and removing the desire to sin. (Philippians 3:7-11)
We Believe in Living in the Covenant Community. God first made a covenant with the Hebrew people, and it was completed through the coming Messiah Jesus Christ. The Covenant was established by God to be their God and those who would follow God’s Law would be God’s people. Every believer is a member to one another in Christ’s holy Church. We are called to live faithfully in God’s Covenant Community and actively carry on His work and witness in the world. (Ephesians 4:25)
We Believe in the Kingdom of God which is God’s reign of righteousness upon the earth. We believe there will be a day of judgement at the end of this age. Right now, we live in "the between times" - between Jesus’ death, resurrection and his return on the Last Day. We believe all people will rise to eternal life on this day and face the judgment of God. Those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord will receive eternal life. Those who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will face eternal death. (1 Thessalonians 4:16)
There are a couple things that define who we are as a church body at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church. We adopted this Vision Statement in 2020: “Mt. Carmel is a place of new beginnings unified in the character and love of Jesus Christ.”
We call it our “UPC” code:
We seek to be United as the Body of Christ
We seek to be Place of New Beginnings
We seek to be transformed in the Character and Love of Jesus Christ
“As God’s light on the hill we worship, witness, make disciples for Jesus Christ and express his love to all people.”
4265 Ebert Road
Winston-Salem NC 27127
Pastor Mary Miller